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Canton, OH - 2019 Summer Meeting Summary
NEDC Summer Summit
Business Meeting Minutes Canton, Ohio July 24, 2019 I. Welcome & Introductions - Michael Wagner, CAA, DE Chairman Michael Wagner welcomed the group and thanked Bruce for the great welcome dinner the previous night. Michael asked the group for a moment of silence to remember Jerry McGee. II. Secretary’s Report - Joni Pabst, CAA, AZ A. The minutes from the December 2018 meeting in San Antonio were placed on the portal. Motion to approve: Bruce Bowen, CMAA, VA Second: Greg Smith, CMAA, WI Motion passed B. The directory was passed around and Joni asked that everyone look over their information and check for accuracy. For those new and not listed, they were asked to write in the required information on the back of the directory. It will be updated and placed on the NEDC website and to get to the directory go to nedc.us/Directory.html. The group was encouraged to make an email group of the directory instead of copying and pasting from other emails. III. Business Development Report - Bruce Brown, CMAA, OH A. Bruce did a great job of updating the group on the sponsors with their monetary amounts and contracted years with each. Three are expiring this year. We need more sponsors in different related businesses. He shared with the group who are NEDC Sponsors and who are Meeting Sponsors. Bruce needs to step down as Business Development Director. Anyone interested please let Michael Wagner know asap. Motion to approve: Marty O’Hern, CAA, OH Second: Tracy Leinen, CMAA, ID Motion passed IV. Treasurer’s Report - Fred Balsamo, CMAA, CT A. Our finances are in healthy but Fred reminded us all that the Reserve is there to perpetuate the organization in the event that we lose sponsors and need to fund the organization. Fred tries to keep our balance around $25,000.00. He is always looking at ways to defer costs but also, local host needs to raise money for the extras. Motion to accept the financial report: Marty O’Hern, CMAA, MO Second: Tracy Leinen, CMAA, ID Motion passed V. Chairman’s Report - Michael Wagner, CAA, DE A. Michael shared that we are in good on elections for a year. B. A motion was made to accept Lorrell Jungling, CMAA, ND as Vice-Chair for 2020. Motion: Bruce Bowen, CMAA, OH Second: Holly Farnese, CMAA, PA Motion passed C. Michael asked should we move to 4 regions to mirror the NIAAA. Motion: Mike Beck, CAA, MN Second: Lorrell Jungling, CMAA, ND An amendment was made to mirror the alignment with 4 for 2021. Motion to Amend: Mark Haught, CMAA, KS Second: Dick Kemper, CMAA, VISSA Motion passed VI. Vice-Chairman Report -Lorell Jungling, CAA, ND A. Mike had an initiative to bring in more speakers for our group to evaluate for use at our own state conferences. This year there are 2 speakers for the Summit. Mike also has an evaluation form to assess the speakers. The coinsensus is to mainitn doing this.. VII. Past Chairman Report - David Tikker, CMAA, WA No Report VIII. NIAAA Representative Report - Bruce Brown, CMAA, OH A. Bruce shared that the NIAAA Board met in July. Nothing new that would affect the NEDC. He deferred more to the NIAAA’s report later. IX. Regional Representative Reports A. Region A - Liz Penkala, RI No report B. Region B - Mike Beck, CMAA, MN No report C. Region C - Tracy Leinen, CMAA, ID No report X. Summit Sites - Fred Balsamo , CAA, CT A. Approved Site 1. 2020 - Deadwood- S. Dakota Jim Dorman Dates for 2020 will be July 20-23. XI. Old Business - Michael Wagner, CAA, DE None XII. New Business- Michael Wagner, CAA, DE None XIII. Around the Table A. Lorrell Jungling, CAA, ND, suggested that we move forward with 2 speakers for each summit. There are 3 in the hopper and he will send out an email to see if they are still interested. B. There was discussion as to why sates do not participate in the Endowment Grants from the NIAAA. You can apply every 3 years so everyone was encouraged to apply. C. Congregate and Collaborate was good. Dr. Mike Blackburn, CMAA wants to the NEDC to help in National Harbor. If interested Let Mike Wagner, CAA, DE know. It will occur the same time as the Delegate Assembly. Motion to adjourn: Fred Balsamo, CMAA, CT Second: Jim Wright, NY Motion passed * Next NEDC Business meeting will be in National Harbor at the NIAAA AD Conference Minutes respectfully submitted by: Joni Pabst, CAA, AZ NEDC Secretary |
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