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Glens Falls, NY- 2018 Summer Meeting Summary
2018 NEDC Summer Summit Schedule
General Meeting Minutes The Queensbury Hotel, Glens Falls, NY Sunday, July 22 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. We had a wonderful Hospitality Reception that was sponsored by Bright Ideas of Broad Ripple (Indianapolis) 6:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. The group was welcomed by Dr. Robert Zayas, CAA, Executive Director NYSPHSAA and we all enjoyed a Build Your Own Burger dinner that was sponsored by NYSPHSAA. Monday, July 23 Meetings & Activities 8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Breakfast for all, Attendees, Spouses/Guests was sponsored by Safe Sports Zone, Jay Hammes. Jay shared information about his program with the group. 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Alan Mallanda welcomed the group and gave a run down of the day’s activities. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Platinum Royalties made a presentation to the group about their program and gave everyone a card to use for discounts. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. NEDC Business Meeting was held minutes will be in a separate document. Click here nedc.us/2018sumBus.pdf 11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Ideas that Work Region II States Nebraska they are having lots of issues at sporting events that were racial, bullying, etc. The NSAA asked the state groups to meet and address the situation and make Human Dignity a priority. Mike has the information on the NIAAA Portal under Glen Falls Presentations. The Nebraska Commissioner of Education supports this and a Statement of Principle was put together by the NSIAAA. All entities in educational leadership will be educated on the Statement of Principle. Wisconsin - there is an award for student athletes that have overcome adversity called the NFHS Spirit of Sport Award. They have one from each of their 7 districts and then the winner is moved on to the NFHS for consideration of the NFHS award. The NBA is wanting to get involved with the athletic director associations. Check in your states to see if they will get involved in your state. Missouri they went to Dual Membership this year and had the highest membership they have ever had. Michigan they are in their 3rd printing of the booklet “Elements of Effective Athletic Administrators”. These are given to all superintendents, Board of Directors, principals, and schools. Booklets were handed out. Great item to have each state should look into this. They shared the expense with the state association. This upcoming year, they will work with the state association to travel around the state and assess what the athletic directors need. Iowa - 2018 is the 50th Anniversary for the IHSADA. A booklet was handed out that highlighted the 50 years. A document about what happened 50 years ago was also written and shared. Iowa invited all retied Athletic directors to a banquet. They also started an Athletic Director Emeritus program. They get a pin and cup and were added to the website. Illinois - The Illinois retirees help teach the LTI course and do a 50/50 raffle. They are going to reach out to state politicians and invite them to high profile athletic events so that they can understand what an athletic director does. Currently their legislature determined that a player has to have at least 1 day in between competitions. They are going to get in their ear to educate them about athletics. Kansas - the state president plans the conference agenda and speakers. This year they used a program called Leadercast. It pairs the program to your needs. They invited exhibitors to some of their sessions for free. The vendor time at the conference was cut down to 1:00 to 4:30 pm on 1 day only. Vendors really like that and they got the best evaluations from the vendors than ever before. This year the entire conference agenda was on the conference app. There was no hand -held agendas. The company used was Super Fan. Indiana - This year was their 50th Anniversary year. They had a special commemorative program with extensive information that covered the 50 years. All past presidents were invited to the banquet and were introduce. They had a social that the retirees were invited to. A power point on the 50 years was made and shown. They had a special commemorative coin as well. The vendor show was reduced to one day. Their conference attendees must be members of the association to register. They invited the Red Cross to the conference to promote the NIAN Blood Drive Initiative. Bruce reminded us all that as non for profits, you must file your taxes. South Dakota - they have a sponsorship with the South Dakota Beef Council. 10 schools are chosen and the Beef Council provides them with either a pre or post game meal of beef. North Dakota their membership has grown and they work with the state association to promote that membership. The retired athletic directors come back to the conference in the spring. There is a fall workshop for athletic directors. The past 2 years, LTC class has been taught as part of the conference. To encourage attendees to attend the banquet, they have a give away at the end of gift cards and a trip to the national conference. North Carolina - They have a new athletic director booklet that provides the new people with lots of great information. They have a website with a web version and a mobile version. They are really pushing to go high tech in their association. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Clay Burnett of Final Forms and AMP made a presentation for the group. He shared the highlights of his program to help keep athletic directors compliant via their forms. AMP is a program to increase membership, centralize the process and empower the members. 1:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. Presentation Jack Holloway (Delaware) “Four P’s of Leadership Philosophy, Purpose, Passion and Perseverance. 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. NIAAA Updates by Mike Blackburn, CMAA, NIAAA Executive Director, Phil Rison, CMAA, NIAAA Associate Executive Director and NIAAA President Jeff Sitz, CMAA shared the NIAAA Board theme for 2018 is “Go Beyond”. He showed the slide of the NIAAA Section and National winners for the Student Scholarship Program. Jeff announced that Mike Ellson, Tennessee Executive Director’s school won the QPA Quality Program Award from the NIAAA. There is a new online Logo Shop on the niaaa.org site. 20% off purchases of $100.00 or more for the month of July. The 5th Strategic Plan leadership was announced. General Chair is Mark Armstrong, CMAA. The Finance Chair is Scott Nordi, CMAA, from Section 8. Operations Chair is Rich Barton, CMAA from Section 8 and Program Chair is Trish Witkin, CMAA from Section 1. Mike and Phil have a new Administrative Assistant to assist them, her name is Alexandra (Alex) Ferguson. A slide on the power point was shared with the Professional Development Leadership Team. At National Harbor in 2019 there will be 2 at large elections. In Phoenix there were about 900 of 1120 votes made by the conference app. The new PSAs are out check with your state if you are not hearing them. The 2018 NEDC in San Antonio is December 14 18. The hotel for attendees is the Marriott River Center. As of June 30, 2018, the NIAAA membership was 11,348 members. The Professional Development Academy had 11,097 certifications this year. The CAA Exam is online and there have been 324 course exams at 86 sites. The pass rate is 91.3%. The Personal Data Forms for Certification are changing January 1, 2019. There will be 48 courses offered in San Antonio. On the NIAAA website, the Classroom section has all materials under that section. Keep Portal information updated via the Event Submission Form. The AD Insider is an email from the NIAAA twice a month. Congratulations to our NEDC members who will be honored at the NEDC in San Antonio in December 2018: Distinguished Service Award: Bill Clements, SD, Lorell Jungling, ND, Dave Tikker, WA. NFHS Citations: Ray Moore, CA, Mike Morris, IL. Hall of Fame Inductees for 2018 are: Bruce Bowen, VA, Roy Turner, NC and Bruce Whitehead, IN. Congratulations to these outstanding individuals! Tuesday, July 24 8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Breakfast was sponsored by rSchool Today, Ray Dretske. He shared briefly what his company can do for your associations. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Presentation Mike Papale (Connecticut) “Attack Your Dreams” He shared with the group his story and how he formed the foundation called “In a Heartbeat”. He shared his message on the 4 Keys to Setting Your Dreams. 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Panel Discussion/Workshop State Requirements for Certification of Athletic Administrators Bruce Brown, Fred Balsamo, Dr. Jim Wright -Adirondack Room Alan Mallanda, Moderator. Connecticut NIAAA Certification required in the state. Went in to affect 10/31/13. To get this all going, inroads were made with key State Legislators. Athletic Directors needed to be in the statute. The State Department of Education was also brought into the process. This created a standard for those coming into the profession. It slowed down the turnover rate and improved the quality of our profession. It has 8 components. Ohio The process began with the end in mind. Take inventory of the path you will take i.e., State Board of Education, State Government, school districts, etc. Athletic Directors must be on board with the initiative. Data shared will be on the NIAAA Portal. The main goal is to train the athletic director and protect them and the school. New York There is no requirement to be an athletic director. Surveys and presentations were made to New York High School Association and they liked it but didn’t endorse it. You have to sell the idea of certification. Currently 30% in New York are NIAAA certified. It will be a long process, people do not like change. We all need to get on board with this in our respective states. 12:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. Ideas That Work, Region III states Nevada - Membership numbers continue to grow. They also need ideas to get attendees to stay until the end. They do a drawing at the end to cover room and flight to the NADC. California - Thank you for all the past ideas. They just completed their 50th Anniversary Conference. 38 past presidents came back for the conference. They are working on a new initiative with the CIF to get athletic directors doing the same job. Their theme for 2019 is “Athletics are the Front Porch of Your School”. They work with AMP and like it. Membership is around 1000 out of 1600 plus schools. They are proud of where California is going. They have a video at mycsada.org Arizona - We increased our exhibitor fees for the first time in over 25 years from $300, $500 and $750 to $500, $750 and $1,000. Registrations are down about ½ and the board will assess if we need to change it after the conference. We are working with the AIA to add our dual membership dues to the school membership dues to push us to 100%. I have a small committee working on this. We are also looking at the certification issue with the state leaders. We give away 2 pair of Fiesta Bowl tickets to encourage people to stay. One pair on Monday after our Annual Business Meeting and the other pair on Tuesday at the end of our Closing Session. It works well not 100% stay but around 85% or so. Idaho - This was the best year ever for membership as they moved to dual membership. They paid $30.00 of each member’s NIAAA dues. They have a $1,000.00 drawing at the end of the conference. 1:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Ideas That Work, Region I Maryland - They had a conference app this year that was designed by students. They have a table at their conference displaying CMAAA projects. Maryland is starting their 3rd Strategic Plan. The Executive Director for the Coaches Association retired and they have a new one but they are now under the Maryland AD Association until they can get going. Mississippi Membership is up this year. They haven’t had sponsors before but this year they had a Title Sponsor. They inducted their first Hall of Fame. They recognize the Administrator of the Year and the Student Scholarship Essay Winners from their state. They had an early bird session this year. Thank you to all for your ideas and help. North Carolina - They have dual membership and applied $20.00 to each member dues. They have an online platform to get information. Fortunate to have followed in Jerry McGee’s footsteps. Partner with people who believe as you do. The moved to online registration for vendors with a floor plan so they could choose their spot. Tool Box with best practices in digital forms was added. Added Read to Lead. Virginia - Feels that there has been amazing how over the past 4 years in the NEDC. Lot of learning through sharing. They have a new 2-day athletic director workshop that includes 501 and 502. If they get certified, they send in their certification and the reimburse ½ of the cost. They also give a flash drive with vast information to all new athletic directors. Florida - We are encouraged to watch how legislators try to pass bills involving athletics. The state association compliance center requirement was moved to the state conference. They had their 40th anniversary conference. To get attendees to the vendors, they had a Trivia game about the organization with 45 questions. The vendors had the answers so they had to go visit them to get the answers. The top three winners get free registration to the next year’s conference. Georgia - Dual membership is done through the state regions. One of their social sessions was a Bourbon/Cigar tasting it actually went over well. The Hall of Fame luncheon has the school taping the inductees and the they show their video and give them a blue blazer with insignia on it. Rhode Island - They piggy back with Massachusetts. Opening Session is mandatory and swag is given out at the session. General session breakfast with guests who help athletics. The 3rd session is share time and the Awards Banquet is on water. They have 100% reimbursement to anyone getting their CAA. Connecticut - Because of their involvement with legislators, their lobbyist called and shared that Opioid Education was going to come across. They were able to stop the bill and committed to put a packet together for schools to get the message. Parent meetings were also done. Law in Connecticut to let district officials know what athletic directors do. They made a 12-minute video to promote their 8 components. Massachusetts - They do not have a conference registration fee and they also expanded their mentoring program. They added a board position to manage the mentoring program. They are expanding offering of LTI throughout the state. First year athletic director is reimbursed for 501 and 502. There issues with compliance in working with college coaches. South Carolina - The Carlisle’s say hello! After 2 years as the executive director, I feel that I have a good working relationship with the board. Many athletic directors are getting replaced. Their board terms are now 2 years. They added 2 non-voting members a middle school athletic director and either a principal or superintendent. They give out a Carlisle Cup to one school each year. They have a spring state conference and use Regonline. They do door prizes in the vender hall and they get their tickets for that at sessions. They have a hotel agreement every 3 year. Saturday and Sunday are LT classes. They are looking to better market their Winter Weekend LTI Academy. The 2nd Strategic Plan is in development. Maine Marty Ryan sends his best wishes to the group. Things of interest from Maine: Certification, Gerry sits on the Board of Directors for Principal and Superintendents and also the Small Colleges Board, sponsorships are always pursued and new initiatives. They look at ways to recognize student- Tennessee They have an August 27th Kick Off to promote athletic directors. They have a great relationship with the state office and they help them quite a bit. Mike’s school received the NIAAA QPA Award. He said they feared the process but got lost of support. Remember that continuous improvement is important once you receive the award. Recommends the book by Angela Duckworth “Grit”. New Hampshire - I appreciate all the shared wisdom! They have a 1-day new athletic director training. They are wanting some new blood in the organizations and are successful in getting new faces in leadership roles younger athletic directors. They have reignited the mentoring program and it is done by the past president. They have 2 vendor session and BBQ and a 2 ½ hour session. Then a 2/12-hour session on the first day. They are looking at moving their conference to a week earlier. Carol is looking to define her position as executive director. New York - They are continuing in the succession planning for Alan’s position by adding an assistant executive director. They have tied Professional Development and Membership together. They moved to Final Forms Hired Pete Shambo as Director of Professional Development and Membership. They wanted more retired members to join so last year lifetime retired is at $150.00 instead of $35.00 a year. Some schools/districts give the lifetime retired membership as a retirement gift. Ohio - At their state conference, they provide the state association office a free booth and include them in the agenda. The state office legal counsel and a member of the Principals Association group did a panel discussion. They have an Award of Excellence and put together a notebook of how schools promote education-based athletics. They make the winner presentation during a state game. Told us to check out the Inside Out Initiative with the NFL. Their conference theme for 2019 is: A & B the C & D (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty). Promoted John Gordon’s book “Positive Leadership” Maryland - I’ve talked enough Pennsylvania Holly shared the poem “Grace” which will be on the Portal. Thanked all for words of sympathy on the loss of Dave. Theme for conference: Athletic Directors Answer the Door. Shared that the day Pennsylvania hosted the Section 3 meeting that Vice President Pence was at the same hotel and shared their “Fun” time with that. Kentucky - Attendance is up at their conference. The NIAAA membership struggles but they are working on that. They want to stay educated. 3:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Technology Workshop, Dr. James Wright, CMAA gave a great workshop on Technology. Some good apps: Remind (App): school communication, Twitter (twitter@jimwright824), Survey Monkey, Google Forms, QR Reader, and Google Apps Wednesday, July 25 7:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Breakfast for all attendees 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Presentation for the 2019 Summer NEDC Meeting in Canton, OH Bruce Brown - Bruce shared information via a power point for us. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Final Remarks & adjournment of the 2018 Summer NEDC Meeting Dave Tikker, CAA, WA, thanked Alan and Heather for the wonderful time we all had and also to Fred and Bruce for their assistance with the summit. 11 years ago, I had colleagues through the NEDC and now I have friends. Find moments of joy we recreate a sense of purpose when we are here together, a more defined purpose. Take care of yourselves. Find balance in your life. Safe travels to all Respectfully submitted by: Joni Pabst, CAA, AZ NEDC Secretary |
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