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Milwaukee 2017 Summer Meeting Summary
NEDC General Meeting Minutes
Downtown Marriott Milwaukee, Wisconsin Saturday, July 29, 2017 thru Monday, July 31, 2017 Saturday, July 29, 2017 7:30 am Breakfast was sponsored by Jay Hammes, Safe Sports Zone. Jay shared the latest updates and his new sponsor with the group. 8:40 am Greg Smith, WI welcomed the group to Milwaukee and shared the schedule of events for the group. 8:50 am Tim Collins, WADA President welcomed the group and shared his thoughts with the group. 9:00 am Dave Anderson, Executive Director for the WIAA gave his welcome and remarks to the group. He shared some insights from a Wisconsin perspective. 9:40 am Bruce Bowen, OH, introduced new NEDC Corporate Sponsor Joshua Pagan of Platinum Royalties. He spoke to the group about their credit card style fundraising card and gave one to each NEDC member. 11:00 am Bob Gardner, NFHS Executive Director gave an update on the NFHS. There are 2 new staff members, Julie Cochran Director of Sports and Jason Frost Coordinator of Officials Education. The NFHS has a staff of 39. The NFHS has written a resolution to reclaim Friday night football for high schools. The My Reason Why program is in year 2 and has a strong foundation and values of participation. Campaign this year is to shift to High School Associations, Middle Schools and Parents. The NFHS will develop classroom and locker room poster program and expand the PSAs. There will be an Essentials Initiative for continued guidelines for schools. Shortage of officials is a real problem across the country. This year there have been 1236 new submissions to become an official. NFHS Network has completed year 4 with success. Under Armour and Olive Garden are new national sponsors. Sports Medicine all states have the “Anyone Can Save a Life Plan” There is a new NFHS Membership Management System (MMS) 31 states were involved in the National Student Leadership Conference which was July 17-19, 2017 in Indianapolis. Partnership with the NIAAA remains strong. 12:00 pm Bruce Bowen, OH, introduced new NEDC Corporate Sponsor Ray Dretske of R School Today. Ray shared with the group the details of his program. 1:00 pm Bruce Bowen, OH, introduced new NEDC Sponsor Clay Burnett with FinalForms. Clay shared the details of his program with the group. 1:20 pm NIAAA Update was given by Mike Blackburn, Executive Director, Phil Rison, Associate Executive Director and Richard Barton, NIAAA President. The Awards, HOF and Student Scholarship winners were announced and we were asked to encourage our state to attend the banquet. There were 10,381 certifications issued. The CAA Exam is online and they have a 92.4% pass rate. Invoicing for items will go to the Executive Director or the NIAAA State Liaison. At Large Campaign in 2016 there were 900 of 1120 votes done by the conference app. There is an NIAAA Credit Card it is with First Bank and you can apply online at niaaa.org. If any state wants to book a hospitality suite they need to contact Lauren Burns at the Hyatt Regency - lauren.burns@hyatt.com NADC Registration opens on August 15th and the hotel registration opens on September 1st. New LTC Classes are 901 and 902 International Classes, 633 Athletic Programs for Students with Disabilities, 726 Student Leadership. We were reminded to update our state leadership directories via the NIAAA Portal. There will be an Event Calendar on niaaa.org. Royalty checks for LTI courses were handed out. They shared the 40th Anniversary Initiatives with the group. Membership as of June 30, 2017 was 10,703. 2:30 pm Ideas That Work Region II Michigan they are setting up a Google account to house all their data this way they will have all association data in one place and make for a seamless transition when new board members come on. Illinois Mike asked the group if they are being asked for information from the state association for Max Preps and there is no benefit to the schools is anyone else having this problem. Iowa they launched a strategic plan for the first time. Gave a trifold handout for use with potential sponsors. It is their 50th anniversary and each member will get a free jacket. They went online with their conference registration. North Dakota Their 50th anniversary will be in 2018. They finished their second strategic plan and are wanting to start a mentoring program. Membership recruitment has been a focus and they are looking at middle school ADs, college students and retired ADs. Nebraska shared a document that Joni placed on the NIAAA portal for the group to look at. Membership increased this year. They have a New AD Manual to give to all new ADs and a monthly check list for them as well. Each new AD is assigned a mentor. Kansas They implemented a strategic plan, updated their website and put together a marketing package. Sunday, July 30, 2017 7:30 am Breakfast was sponsored by NEDC Corporate Sponsor Jonathan Blanc with Varsity Athletic. He shared his program with the group. 8:40 am NFHS Coaches Education Update Dan Schuster, NFHS Director of Education Services gave the group an update. 25 states have agreements with the NFHS. In 10 years there have been over 5 million courses taken. We all need to promote the Learning Center. They are looking at a course on supervising after school activities. New on NFHS Learns will be Who Teaches Your Coaches 10:10 am Ideas That Work Regions I, II and III New York Alan handed out several items for the group to review. They have started online registration with Family ID. They are training a planning team for state conference. They have retired membership of $35.00. Maine Gave out a handout on LTI courses taught and shared the idea behind the form with the group. Ohio Their focus is on collaborative efforts with the state association office. They have also partnered with the Principals’ Association. Delaware 94% of their high school ADs have taken an LTI course. All schools use the same website company 104 middle schools and high schools. They are moving the HOF lunch to the spring. They are in negotiations with the officials. Pennsylvania This is their 50th anniversary year and Mike Blackburn will be their speaker. They are having trouble with some exhibitors leaving the conference early. They are thinking of raising the price for them. They have had 120 new ADs in the past 2 years so they want to upgrade their mentoring program in the summer. Massachusetts They have no registration fee for their state conference. They have a $250.00 membership which includes NIAAA membership. They pay for 501 and 502 for all their ADs. They have 8 Districts and they travel to teach the courses around the state. They are talking about starting a partnership with colleges to have high school athletes to talk with college athletes about leadership. Virginia They have a new AD workshop as they are seeing a turnover of around 30 ADs each year. They have a 2-day session which includes LTC 501 and 502. Their mentoring program tries to assign new ADs with another AD from their size school and placement. Each attendee gets a zip drive with important information on it. The Virginia Lottery gives them the zip drives for free. They are having problems getting their ADs to stay for the awards luncheon. Maryland nothing new to share for this year. South Carolina Conference numbers have grown. They have a good relationship with the High School League and Administrators Association. Their January Winter Weekend at the Beach was successful. They have a 5-year LTI plan and 501 is free. They have quite a few younger new ADs. Their HOF Banquet starts the conference and the Awards Breakfast ends the conference. Mississippi They had an awards luncheon for the first time. They have an office at the state association. They use online registrations and a vendor Bingo card at their conference. Florida They use Regonline for their conference registrations. The vendors complain about not having enough traffic they have a vendor reception with drink tickets and appetizers. They have a yearly silent auction that brings in about $4,000.00 to $4,500.00 for their scholarship program. They are now having their state required compliance session at their state conference. North Carolina They have added vice chairs for LTI and Certification. Asked for ideas for opening and closing speakers. Google has sites for non-profits go to googlesuite.com. There is a link for the Jerry McGee Scholarship that will be sent to everyone. California Gave a handout of their 2017 conference program. They are looking to inviting principals and superintendent’s tract to the conference program. Their state conference rotates from north and south in the state. They use round table sessions and their ADs like that. In 2018, they will celebrate their 50th anniversary with the theme of Celebrating the Past and Preparing for the Future. Nevada Their state conference is held in conjunction with the state basketball tournament and they moved it to the Thursday before the tournament. They would like to add a silent auction. Utah- They have mandatory certification for all ADs and are working with the legislators. Utah uses the NIAAA Portal for all communications. They had an ADA issue that was very costly and asked for ideas on how to deal with ADA issues. Arizona This year is the 35th anniversary conference. They use Regonline for attendees and exhibitors and sponsors and it works very well. State conference fee is $275.00 and includes AIAAA and NIAAA memberships. Their Awards and HOF Luncheon is on the first day of the conference so attendance is great. They continue to push middle school AD attendance. Exhibitors pay according to placement in the Exhibitor Room. They have been busy with NADC planning. Texas Rusty is new to the job. State conference is in March and they had 450 in attendance. They have membership of 857 public schools and 67 private schools. Trade show cost starts at $700.00 and entry level sponsorship starts at $3,500.00. They use interns to help with technology needs for the association and retired ADs help them out as well. They are working on a state licensure. Oregon List Serve is used and they sell advertisements on the List Serve for $500.00. Once a month companies can send an ad to be posted to coaches and ADs. Idaho They have a meeting requirement for new ADs. At their state conference, they have limited space for vendors (35-40). Conference is held in Boise. The new Jump Center is coming in but it is very costly to hold a meeting there. They give a $1,000.00 door prize for going to the national conference. Connecticut Fred gave handouts for the group. Their state and NIAAA memberships are paid through the state associations dues for each school. They have certifications for ADs recognized by the State of Connecticut. Iowa They have seen a need to train new ADs as turnover nearly is high. They require evaluator training for all ADs. They are working on a model for athletic administrators. They are working on getting a voice for their association. Delaware A handout was given on Why Should Athletic Directors be included in the NBC Stipend. Ohio they have reached out in 2 directions promoting certification. First with the state association on why they need this and secondly with Scott Smith at Ohio University on maybe you need an endorsement. 2:00 pm State Licensure of Athletic Administrators Presentations were given by Fred Balsamo, CT, Bruce Brown, OH, Mike Wagner, DE and Phil Rison, NIAAA Each one shared the importance of the process and gave handouts and power points on the process. Documents will be put on the NIAAA Portal. Monday, July 31, 2017 7:30 am Breakfast was sponsored by NEDC Corporate Sponsor Matrix Fitness. A presentation was given to the group. 8:30 am Alan Mallanda, NY made a presentation and gave handouts on the 2018 Summer Summit which will be held in Saratoga. Information will be given at the NEDC meeting in Phoenix. 9:00 am Dave Tikker, WA thanked the new EDs for attending. Thank yous were given to Fred for all his work on the summit, Bruce for his work with the sponsors and to Greg and Karen for being such great hosts for this summit. Dave reminded everyone to never doubt your level of influence in your respective states. He praised the record attendance. The group Facetimed with Jerry McGee. He was very touched by this gesture. Everyone was wished safe travels back home and the summit was adjourned. Respectfully submitted by: Joni Pabst, CAA AZ, NEDC Secretary |